Nutritional values of beef cuts


Beef conceived as a highly nutritious food that provides important nutrients, and can be incorporated into a diet in compliance with general disease prevention guidelines. Lean beef is very appropriate for a heart-healthy diet, as half of its fat is monounsaturated, a fat that does not raise cholesterol levels. Beef also contains Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), an anti-carcinogenic that has been associated with a number of health benefits (American Council on Science and Health, Meister et al., 2003).

Uruguayan beef is definitely lean because the animals are grass-fed. Research at the University of Georgia showed that Uruguayan grass-fed cattle have low levels of fat and high percentage of “good” fats, such as cholesterol-lowering mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, Omega 3 and neutral fatty acids. Yet, it has high levels of CLA (Realini et al., 2003).

Isologotipo Uruguay Beef - Horizontal RGB