The Terroir: the foundation of our breeding tradition

Why does Uruguayan beef have a unique flavor?

A sensitive and knowledgeable palate knows that there are many reasons that determine the exquisite flavor of a good cut of Uruguayan beef and that everything results from the variety and richness of our natural grasslands, the abundance of water and the sun that gives life during all four seasons.
A little history to understand this land.

British breeds: a pillar of genetics

Uruguayan farmers raise the best Hereford and Aberdeen Angus in the world in their world-renowned studs, with 150 years of growth, tradition and evolution. These two breeds have traditionally prevailed in the Río de la Plata, being Angus more popular in Argentina, and Hereford in Uruguay initially; however those two breeds are produced in similar numbers in Uruguay today.

Experience: Centuries of knowledge and leadership

At all times during its history, and in all major industrial milestones, Uruguay has been at the forefront of innovation to preserve the quality of its product. The highest quality is obtained on the farm, and all the processes aim at preserving the purity, nutritional value, and identity of the product that link it to the land, climate, and water. Technology at the service of the product, the product at the service of a brand, of a concept.

Technology and traceability

.Only country in the world with 100% traceability of livestock and meat.

Safety: A special value of Uruguayan products.